Cleansing in the Aymara Tradition day 1

Cleansing in the Aymara Tradition day 1

Silvia will speak about the significance of Amaru, the snake, as symbol of the purest, original, feminine energy. She will teach us how to connect and awaken the Amaru (serpent) medicine; the powerful life force that resides within us and the Mother Earth, understanding about the seven temples and how this is important for any healer and healing in the Andean tradition. Workshop time: Morning from 09:30-12:00 AM Lunch Afternoon from 2:00 PM- 5:00 PM Address: Kanaaldijk 93 M 1454 AD Watergang Kosten €150 voor een enkele dag € 260 voor de beide dagen Aanbetaling en reservering 17 € voor beide dagen 2 x 17 € Please bring something for the lunch it is a potluck lunch
In may i wil have as a guest Mama Coca Silvia Calisaya Chuquimia, she is a traditional Aymara healer descended from the pre-inca people who inhabit the southern Lake Titicaca region.i
She was born and raised in a small highland village
silvia comes to share the philosophy, teachings, and traditions of the aymara, as well as the history of the ancient people still living in Peru.
Op vrijdagavond 17 mei geeft ze een lezing.
Op zaterdag 18 mei en op zondag 19 mei zijn er 2 verschillende workshopdagen waar je aan kunt deelnemen.
Vanaf maandag 20 mei t/m woensdag 22 mei kan je een individuele sessie boeken bij Mama Silvia.


18 mei 2024


09:30 - 17:00
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